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9 déc. 2013

John Barton Wolgamot 


In its very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically the very cruelly ancestral death of Sara Powell Haardt had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Rafael Sabatini, George Ade, Margaret Storm Jameson, Ford Madox Hueffer, Jean-Jacques Bernard, Louis Bromfield, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Helen Brown Norden had very originally come amongst his very really grand men and women to Lodovico Ariosto, Solon, Matteo Maria Bojardo, Philo Judaeus, Roger Bacon, Longus, Simeon Strunsky and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Thomas Stearns Eliot, Robert Southey, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett Dunsany, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Arthur Schopenhauer, Blaise Pascal, Georg Morris Cohen Brandes and Jonathan Swift had very sarcastically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Wolgamot as god had very magnificently come amongst her very really grand men and women to Gaius Plinius Secundus, Bion, Origines Adamantius, Democritus, Phidias, Zeuxis, Pietro Aretino and Michelangelo Buonarroti very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Johannes Brahms very heroically Sara Powell Haardt had very allegorically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Clarence Day, Jr., John Donne, Ruggiero Leoncavalo, James Owen Hannay, Gustav Frenssen, Thomas Beer, Joris Karl Huysmans and Franz Peter Schubert very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Willa Sibert Cather very heroically William Sydney Porter, Laurence Sterne, Algernon Charles Swinburne, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Walter Savage Landor, Thomas Gray, Tobias George Smollett and Helen Brown Norden had very ironically come amongst her very really grand men and women to William Shakespeare very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Wilhelm Richard Wagner very heroically Sara Powell Haardt had very allegorically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Jakob Liebmann Beer, Ernst Toller, John William Thomason, Jr., Winifred Ashton, Herbert Asbury, Wilson Follett, Morley Callaghan and Johann-Sebastian Bach very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Teodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady and John Barton Wolgamot had very sardonically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Gamaliel Bradford, Anne Green, William Hervey Allen, Jr., Washington Irving, Pierre Corneille, Arthur Schnitzler, Mari Sandoz, St. John Greer Ervine and Herman Melville very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Hans Christian Andersen, Henri Bergson, Niccolò di Bernardo Machiavelli, Kenneth Grahame, Charles William Beebe, Thomas Dixon, George Edward Bateman Saintsbury and Beethoven as God had very maliciously come amongst her very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Thomas Hardy had very sarcastically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Arthur Stuart- Menteth Hutchinson, Charles Reade, Edmée Elizabeth Monica de la Pasture, James Brander Matthews, Emil Ludwig, Anne Parrish, Pierre Augustin Caron and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Berenice Anne Bonner very heroically John Barton Wolgamot had very wonderfully come amongst her very really grand men and women to Thomas Lovell Beddoes, George Grove, James Justinian Morier, Emily Price, Jean Cocteau, Alcaeus, Sturlason Snorri and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Archimedes, Plato, Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Aristotle, Epicurus, Anacreon, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Pericles, Socrates, Euripides and Sara Powell Haardt had very ironically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Aristophanes very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Romain Rolland very heroically the very ancestrally inevitable performance of Jean Baptiste Poquelin had very symbolically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Aldous Leonard Huxley, James Boyd, Vittorio Alfieri, Lion Feuchtwanger, Harold Lenoir Davis and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Helen Brown Norden had very sincerely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Jerome Klapka Jerome, Conrad Richter, Alfred Victor de Vigny, David Ricardo, Rémy de Gourmont and Jacques-Anatole Thibault very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically John Greenleaf Whittier, Frank Wedekind, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Charles Perrault, Knut Pedersen Hamsun and Samuel Langhorne Clemens had very gayly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Ruth Maxine Martin very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Ruth Suckow very heroically Edgar Allan Poe had very sinisterly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Claude Gernade Bowers, Thomas Kyd, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Stella Embree, Truman Jesse Moon and Henry Fielding very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Gustave Flaubert very heroically Helen Brown Norden had very altruistically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Benjamin Jonson, Franz Werfel, Grazia Deledda, Jean Giono, Richard Dehmel and Christopher Marlowe very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Henrik Johan Ibsen, William Wordsworth, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Eleanor Gwyn, Hippolyte Adolphe Taine and Pearl Sydenstricker had very sensitively come amongst her very really grand men and women to George Moore very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Rolland as Beethoven had very bullishly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Wystan Hugh Auden, Phaedrus, Frederick Gustavus Burnaby, Babette Deutsch, Duncan Aikman and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Ruth Maxine Martin very heroically Benvenuto Cellini had very imaginatively come amongst her very really grand men and women to Peadar O’Donnell, Anne O’Hare, Lloyd Cassel Douglas, William James, Albert Jay Nock and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Elinor Hoyt very heroically Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Congreve, Richard Brinsley Butler Sheridan, George Gordon Byron, James Russell Lowell and John Barton Wolgamot had very unquestionably come amongst her very really grand men and women to Berenice Anne Bonner very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically the very wantonly pitiless carnage of Ringgold Wilmer Lardner had very freely come amongst His very really grand men and women to Madeleine de Scudéry, John Fletcher, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, Mary Borden, William Langland and Berenice Anne Bonner very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Ringgold Wilmer Lardner very heroically Berenice Anne Bonner had very happily come amongst his very really grand men and women to Eugène Marin Labiche, Maude Howe, William Temple Hornaday, Richard Wright, Alexis Carrel and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Jean Baptiste Poquelin had very homogeneously come amongst her very really grand men and women to Gladys Bronwyn Stern, Arnold Zweig, Louis Marie Julien Viaud, Martha Ostenso, Manuel Komroff and Walter Scott very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically Marie Rosalie Bonheur, Joseph Hergesheimer, Anne Louise Germaine Necker, James Branch Cabell, August Wilhelm von Schlegel and Frances Gertrude Fiedler had very ironically come amongst His very really grand men and women to James Fenimore Cooper very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Jesus Christ had very intolerably come amongst her very really grand men and women to Torquato Tasso, Menander, Claude Henri de Saint-Simon, Samuel Smiles, Caroline Beach and Katherine Jane Lightbody very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Berenice Anne Bonner had very ironically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Henry Seidel Canby, William McFee, Pietro di Donato, Eleanor Mercein, Johann David Wyss and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Berenice Anne Bonner very heroically Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Heinrich Heine, Publius Ovidius Naso, Anne Douglas Sedgwick, Charles Erskine Scott Wood and John Barton Wolgamot had very altruistically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Jesus Christ very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Berenice Anne Bonner very heroically Christ as Son had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Benito Pérez Galdós, Carleton Beals, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Louise Jordan, Pelham Grenville Wodehouse and Ringgold Wilmer Lardner very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Jesus Christ had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Richard Henry Dana, Padraic Colum, Alfred Damon Runyon, George Frisbie Whicher, Harry Leon Wilson and Ringgold Wilmer Lardner very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically Geoffrey Chaucer, Rupert Brooke, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, John Milton, William Henry Hudson and Ruth Maxine Martin had very extraordinarily come amongst His very really grand men and women to Berenice Anne Bonner very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Berenice Anne Bonner very heroically Elinor Hoyt had very beautifully come amongst her very really grand men and women to Moses Mendel, John Ford, Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, Ruth Feiner, Alfred Noyes and Jesus Christ very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Dante Alighieri had very superbly come amongst her very really grand men and women to George Edward Woodberry, Charles Angoff, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, Pietro Mascagni, John Addington Symonds and Henry Louis Mencken very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Henry Louis Mencken had very sinisterly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Richard Le Gallienne, Zane Grey, Martha Ellis Gellhorn, Francis Hackett, Jacques Louis David and Kathleen Beauchamp very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Mencken as Beethoven had very hypocritically come amongst her very really grand men and women to David Leslie Murray, Charles Kingsley, Tiziano Vecellio, Oliver Goldsmith, James Thomas Farrell and Henry James very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Henry Brooks Adams, Francis Bacon, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, James Boswell, Nicholas Vachel Lindsay. and William Cullen Bryant had very merrily come amongst his very really grand men and women to Sara Powell Haardt very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Willa Sibert Cather very heroically James Joyce had very analytically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Philip Guedalla, Apelles, Federico García Lorca, Olav Duun, Pare Lorentz and Homer very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Florence Nightingale very heroically
Sara Powell Haardt had very generously come amongst her very really grand men and women to Shane John Randolph Leslie, Nancy Hale, Charles Marie René Leconte de Lisle, Julia Mood, Jacob van Ruysdael and Hugh Seymour Walpole very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically John Barton Wolgamot had very playfully come amongst her very really grand men and women to Walter Lionel George, Sholom Asch, Domenico Zampieri, Alfred Tennyson, Granville Stanley Hall and Henry Louis Mencken very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically William Butler Yeats, Hermann Sudermann, Claude Achille Debussy, Joseph Addison, Elizabeth Barrett and Willa Sibert Cather had very proudly come amongst his very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Emily Jane Brontë very heroically Sara Powell Haardt had very merrily come amongst her very really grand men and women to Eduard Meyer, Thomas Moore, Samuel Hopkins Adams, André Derain, Michael Sadler and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically the very brutally exigent name of Sara Powell Haardt had very genuinely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Hendrik Willem van Loon, Karel Capek, Percival Christopher Wren, Leonard Miller, Stephen Vincent Benét and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Armantine Lucile Aurore Dupin had very errantly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Frank Hamilton Spearman, Whit Burnett, Charles Grandison Finney, Sheila Kaye- Smith, Dalton Trumbo, Edward Elgar, John Singer Sargent and Miguel de Cervantes-Saavedra very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Thomas Mann had very strongly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Harold Joseph Laski, Nora Waln, Amédée Simon Dominique Thierry, Richard Henry Horne, Samuel Lover, Jan van Eyck, Frederick Delius and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Zola as Christian had very practically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Wladyslas Stanislaw Reymont, Joel Sayre, Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Sidney Lanier, Elias Howe, Anthony Trollope and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Charlotte Brontë very heroically Verner von Heidenstam, Hans Otto Storm, Robert Alexander Schumann, Jan van der Meer, Samuel Richardson, Herbert Spencer, Henry Major Tomlinson and Theodore Dreiser had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Jean François Marie Arouet very heroically Armantine Lucile Aurore Dupin had very fiercely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Manuel de Falla, Jane Porter, Teresa de Cepeda, Georges Duhamel, Heliodorus, Jakob Jordaens, Prosper Mérimée and Honoré Balzac very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Mary Ann Evans very heroically Sara Powell Haardt and John Barton Wolgamot had very conveniently come amongst her very really grand men and women to Erik Leslie Satie, Vicki Baum, Francis Charles Claypon Yeats-Brown, Flavius Josephus, Rudolf Ditzen, John Rowlands, Camille Pissarro and William Makepeace Thackeray very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Galsworthy very heroically
Armantine Lucile Aurore Dupin had very interpretively come amongst his very really grand men and women to Baruch de Spinoza, William Blake, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer, Edgar Lee Masters, David Ross Locke, Paul Vialar, César Auguste Franck and Charles John Huffham Dickens very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Eugene Gladstone O’Neill very heroically William Vaughn Moody, Edward Lear, Charles Camille Saint-Saëns, Archie Binns, Isabel Bowler, John Dryden, Frank Arthur Swinnerton and Victor Marie Hugo had very gallantly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Leonardo di Ser Piero d’Antonio di Ser Piero di Ser Guido da Vinci very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Wolgamot as man had very disillusionedly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Richard Doddridge Blackmore, Denis Diderot, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Gustave Charpentier, Thomas Clayton Wolfe, James Mallahan Cain, Susan Bogert Warner and Marie-Henri Beyle very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Charles Langbridge Morgan, Guido Reni, Jean Julius Christian Sibelius, Robert Burness, Maxwell Anderson, Theophrastus, Jacinto Benavente and Sinclair Lewis had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Sara Powell Haardt very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Helen Brown Norden had very sinisterly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Alfred Perceval Graves, Ethel Mannin, Giacomo da Vignola, Engelbert Humperdinck, Oribasius, Clinton Scollard, André Marie Ampère and François Rabelais very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Émile Édouard Charles Antoine Zola very heroically the very meditatively companionable mood of Armantine Lucile Aurore Dupin had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot, Laurence Stallings, Paul Cézanne, François René de Chateaubriand, Henry Purcell, Richard Mansfield and Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Frances Gertrude Fiedler had very politely come amongst her very really grand men and women to Frank Lucius Packard, Eugène Brieux, Roark Whitney Wickliffe Bradford, Carl Lamson Carmer, Friedrich von Flotow and Alexandre Dumas-Davy de la Pailleterie very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Mooris Mäterlinck had very coquettishly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Eric Philbrook Kelly, Martha Foley, Hermann Eduard von Holst, Nicolas Poussin, Pierre van Paassen and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Swift as Wolgamot had very logically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Antoine François Prévost, Julian Green, Joseph Mallord William Turner, Lewis Wallace, James Whitcomb Riley and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Kathleen Beauchamp very heroically Alan Alexander Milne, Richard Steele, Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Charles Lamb, Henri René Albert Guy de Maupassant and William Dean Howells had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Ruth Maxine Martin very heroically Frances Gertrude Fiedler had very ironically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Eugene Victor Debs, Pindar, Baldassare Castiglione, Karl Goldmark, John Drinkwater and George Bernard Shaw very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of George Meredith very heroically Paul Gauguin had very wildly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Margaret Kennedy, Oland Russell, Harley Granville-Barker, Pieter Breughel, Benedetto Croce and William Somerset Maugham very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Helen Brown Norden very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady and John Barton Wolgamot had very originally come amongst her very really grand men and women to Henri Benjamin de Constant, Francis Beaumont, Il Beato Fra Guido Angelico, Joseph Lincoln Steffens, Gilbert Keith Chesterton and Enoch Arnold Bennett very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Herbert George Wells very heroically Maurice Henry Hewlett, Alphonse Daudet, Frédéric François Chopin, Mary Lamb, Luigi Pirandello and Jane Austen had very subtilely come amongst his very really grand men and women to David Herbert Lawrence very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Helen Brown Norden had very coquettishly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Georges Seurat, Thales, Alessandro Manzoni, Élie Faure, Jules Renard and Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Jack Edward Swift very heroically the very memorably devoted attention of Frances Gertrude Fiedler had very savagely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Rudyard Kipling, Firmin Auguste Renoir, Frank Norris and Stephen Crane very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Edith Newbold Jones very heroically Sara Powell Haardt had very excitingly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Mary Findlater, John Masefield, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Vardis Fisher, Kenneth Roberts and Nathaniel Hathorne very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of John Roderigo Dos Passos very heroically Nathaniel Hathorne had very exquisitely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Isabella Augusta Persse, Zeno, Cécile Louise Stéphanie Chaminade, Frank Case, Robert Ranke Graves and James Gibbons Huneker very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Edith Newbold Jones very heroically John Robinson Jeffers, René Descartes, Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix, Sean O’Casey, Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills Wilde and Hathorne as New England Puritan had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Henry Hazlitt very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Nathaniel Hathorne very heroically Dorothea Frances Canfield had very imperturbably come amongst his very really grand men and women to Thomas Hart Benton, Mary Johnston, René Fülöp-Miller, James Norman Hall, Charles Austin Beard and Edith Newbold Jones very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Mary Hunter very heroically Henry Louis Mencken had very inventively come amongst her very really grand men and women to Samuel Guy Endore, Homer Grunn, John Orley Allen Tate, Rachel Crothers, Caradoc Evans and Ole Edvart Rölvaag very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Erich Maria Cramer very heroically William Bliss Carman, Hamlin Garland, Alexandre César Léopold Bizet, Ernest Renan, Francis Marion Crawford and Edith Newbold Jones had very deplorably come amongst his very really grand men and women to Louis Hémon very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Edith Newbold Jones very heroically Newton Booth Tarkington had very exactly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Richard Harding Davis, Andrew Lang, Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, Ray Stannard Baker, Edvard Hagerup Grieg and Nathaniel Hathorne very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Nathaniel Hathorne very heroically Van Wyck Brooks had very gravely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Rabindranath Tagore, John La Farge, Julian Sorrell Huxley, Marie Joseph Sue, Herasmus Gerardus and William Clark Russell very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Charles Robert Darwin very heroically Edith Newbold Jones had very bravely come amongst his very really grand men and women to André Tridon, Thespis, Angelo Ambrogini, Franz Lehár, Percy Marks and George Jean Nathan very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Nathaniel Hathorne very heroically the very incomparably gracious conduct of James Gibbons Huneker had very richly come amongst his very really grand men and women to James Stephens, Sigmund Freud, Mary Cassatt, Albert Einstein and Louis Pasteur very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady had very defenselessly come amongst His very really grand men and women to Roger Martin du Gard, Lucy Stone, Édouard Victor Antoine Lalo, William James Durant, Phyllis Bentley, Millen Brand, George Wesley Bellows and Ottilia Lovisa Selma Lagerlöf very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Adeline Virginia Stephen very heroically Titus Lucretius Carus had very decently come amongst her very really grand men and women to Marcus Tullius Cicero, Phaedo, Gaius Sallustius Crispus, Michael William Balfe, Gheeraert Davit, Max Bruch, Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt and Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Frank Harris, Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn, Rose Macaulay, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Plutarch, Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt and Berenice as devotee had very magnificently come amongst His very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Emily Dickinson very heroically John Barton Wolgamot had very majestically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Pierre Charles Baudelaire, Aesop, Clarence Budington Kelland, Giles Lytton Strachey, Lyman Frank Baum, Albrecht Dürer, Alfredo Casella and Jesus Christ very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of David Graham Phillips very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady had very proudly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Opie Percival Read, Aelfric, Joel Elias Spingarn, Selim Palmgren, Athenaeus, Douglas Hyde, Alexander Brook and Ralph Waldo Emerson very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Claude Monet very heroically Frances Gertrude Fiedler and John Barton Wolgamot had very gradually come amongst his very really grand men and women to Ottorino Respighi, Paul Morand, Aurelius Augustinus, Alfred Sisley, Grace Zaring, Will Rogers, Charles Farrar Browne and Helene Böhlau very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of John Griffith London very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady had very wildly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Margaretta Wade Campbell, Ben Hecht, François Adrian Boieldieu, Thomas Gainsborough, Edmund Spenser, Stella Benson, Thames Ross Williamson and Winston Churchill very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Arthur Burton Rascoe very heroically James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, Booker Taliaferro Washington, Countée Cullen, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Walter Francis White and James Langston Hughes had very excellently come amongst his very really grand men and women to Domenicos Theotocopoulos very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Jesus Christ very heroically Mencken as papa had very ironically come amongst His very really grand men and women to Helen Maria Fiske, Frans Hals, Victoria Mary Sackville, John Albert Macy, George Gershwin, Stark Young, Hector Hugh Munro and Floyd Dell very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Liam O’Flaherty, Joseph Joubert, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobia Salvatore Cherubini, Jean Antoine Watteau, Robert Smythe Hichens, Sappho, Marguerite d’Angoulême and Titus Lucretius Carus had very fairly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Viña Croter very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Jesus Christ had very benevolently come amongst his very really grand men and women to Michel de Notredame, Myron, Theodor Woldsen Storm, David Diamond, Irving Babbitt, Asa Gray, Eric Temple Bell and Randolph Silliman Bourne very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Berenice Anne Bonner very heroically the very tempestuously scriptural wedding of Sara Powell Haardt and Henry Louis Mencken had very ironically come amongst her very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Anna Wickham, Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet, Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne, Rachel Lyman Field, William Saroyan, Erskine Caldwell, Jacques Maritain, Charles Louis de Secondat and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically François de Montcorbier had very clearly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Upton Beall Sinclair, Victor Herbert, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Thomas Lawrence, Elliot Harold Paul and Sara Powell Haardt very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Willa Sibert Cather very heroically Sara Powell Haardt had very perfectly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Clément Philibert Léo Delibes, Plotinus, Emanuel Haldeman-Julius, Praxiteles, Susanna Haswell and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Cosmo Hamilton Gibbs, Thomas Malory, Christoph Willibald von Gluck, George Romney, Siegfried Loraine Sassoon and Sara as Intended had very horribly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Sherwood Anderson very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Zona Gale had very energetically come amongst her very really grand men and women to Friedrich Smetana, Grant Wood, Margaret Frances Halsey, Arthur Symons, Benjamin Stolberg and Henry Louis Mencken very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Mary Cassatt very heroically Publius Vergilius Maro had very anarchistically come amongst very really grand men and women to Pierre Cécile Puvis de Chavannes, John Dewey, Alexis Emanuel Chabrier, Elbert Green Hubbard, Elizabeth Garver Jordan and Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson very heroically Thornton Niven Wilder, George Santayana, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernest von Weber, Alexander Pope, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Henry Louis Mencken had very acrimoniously come amongst his very really grand men and women to Susan Ertz very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Willa Sibert Cather had very extemporaneously come amongst his very really grand men and women to Donald Robert Perry Marquis, Hans Holbein, François René Auguste Mallarmé, John Phillips Marquand, Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Sara Powell Haardt very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Frederick Marryat had very horribly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Joan Mary Fieldwick-Platt, James Hilton, Joseph Hilaire Pierre Belloc, Johann Strauss, Andrea Mantegna and Willa Sibert Cather very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Thyra Samter very heroically Henry Louis Mencken had very brilliantly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Stephen Collins Foster, Jan Havicksz Steen, Douglas Southall Freeman, Joseph Auslander, Hermann Joachim Bang and Willa Sibert Cather very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically the very brutally exigent name of Henry Louis Mencken had very sculpturally come amongst her very really grand men and women to Konrad Bercovici, Walter Duranty, Augustin Eugène Scribe, Dorothy Thompson, George William Russell and John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of William Shakespeare very heroically the very coarsely vulgar Puritanism of Ludwig van Beethoven had very femininely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, Jules Verne, Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine Colette, Percy Aldridge Grainger, Jacopo Robusti, Arthur Machen, Francis Richard Stockton and Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy had very tragically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Augusta Mary Anne Holmes, Childe Hassam, Victoria Endicott Lincoln, Armine von Tempski, Benjamin Franklin, Leslie Stephen, Alice Caldwell Hegan and Sara Powell Haardt very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of William Shakespeare very heroically Giacomo Puccini, Camilo Mori, Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, Samuel Johnson, Thomas Henry Huxley, Eve Curie, Giovanni Boccaccio and Iván Sergyéevitch Turgénieff had very cruelly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Matilde Serao very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Cecily Isabel Fairfield very heroically William Shakespeare had very cadaverously come amongst her very really grand men and women to Andrea Palladio, Maurice Walsh, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole Bowen, Henrik Pontoppidan, Joseph Deems Taylor, Rebecca Yancey, Wolfram von Eschenbach and May Sinclair very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Samuel Butler very heroically John Bunnionn had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Giorgio Barbarelli, Rose Wilder, Alexander Nikolayevitch Scriabin, Susan Glaspell, Edward Gibbon, Thomas Hobbes, Stéphane Mallarmé and Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkov very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy very heroically Alfred Edward Housman, Ludwig Thoma, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, Matthew Arnold, Théophile Gautier, Henry George, Giovanni Battista Lulli and Ivan Alexeyevitch Bunin had very admirably come amongst his very really grand, men and women to John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy very heroically Tolstoy as Beethoven and Shakespeare had very critically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Violet Florence Martin, Bruno Traven, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Elie de Beaumont, Honoré Daumier, Thomas Chatterton, Oscar Levant, Alessandro Scarlatti and Ludwig van Beethoven very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Ricarda Octavia Huch very heroically Anthony Hope Hawkins, Helen Rose Hull, Edward Alexander MacDowell, Jakob Wassermann, George Warwick Deeping, Hans Memling, Charles Gordon MacArthur and William Shakespeare had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Ludwig van Beethoven very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of William Shakespeare very heroically Karl Heinrich Marx had very extremely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Eugene Field, Peter Ilyitch Tschaikowsky, Augustus Edwin John, Arthur Conan Doyle, Norman Douglas, Thorstein Bunde Veblen and Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Lyof Nikolayevitch Tolstoy very heroically Charles Gilman Norris, Roland Pertwee, Mary Augusta Arnold, Carl Van Vechten, Jean François Millet, Maurice Ravel, Edward Morgan Forster and Sara Powell Haardt had very simply come amongst his very really grand men and women to William Shakespeare very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically the very beautifully simple funeral of Sara Powell Haardt had very mirthfully come amongst her very really grand men and women to Christopher Darlington Morley, Alan Seeger, Paul-Marie-Théodore Vincent d’Indy, John Davys Beresford, Andrea d’Agnolo, Louis Farigoule, Edward Garnett, Zoë Akins, Giulietta Guicciardi and Ludwig van Beethoven very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Jim Tully very heroically Ludwig van Beethoven had very Continentally come amongst his very really grand men and women to Robert Russell Bennett, Jules Laforgue, Lucretia Peabody Hale, Philip Morton Shand, Henry Wheeler Shaw, David William Bone, Gustave Courbet, Emerson Hough, Louisa May Alcott and Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Georg Friedrich Händel, Kay Boyle, Lope Félix de Vega, Thomas Paine, Edna Ferber, John Ernst Steinbeck, Peter Paul Rubens, Rex Beach, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve and Anton Pavlovitch Chekhov had very abundantly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Sigrid Undset very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Clara Viebig very heroically Anton Pavlovitch Chekhov had very proudly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Luca della Robbia, Sidney Dark, Domenico Cimarosa, Constance Mayfield Rourke, Lewis Stiles Gannett, Edith Lovejoy Pierce, Mary Ritter, Polybius, Alfred Edgar Coppard and Alexander Sergyéevitch Pushkin very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol Yanovsky very heroically Ludwig van Beethoven had very demonstratively come amongst his very really grand men and women to William Wymark Jacobs, Arthur Train, Johan August Strindberg, Irving Tennenbaum, Leucadia Hearn, Arnold Schönberg, Rearden Conner, David Teniers, Minderhout Hobbema and Vincent van Gogh very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically Joel Chandler Harris, Robert Browning, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, Oswald Spengler, John Collings Squire, Charles François Gounod, Arthur Wing Pinero, Thomas Carlyle, Hilaire Germain Edgard Degas and Leonid Nikolaievitch Andrieff had very harshly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically Allain as Lysistrata had very stupendously come amongst his very really grand men and women to Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Adam Smith, Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier Comte, Walter Horatio Pater, Louis Zara Rosenfeld, Maurice Barrès, George Chapman, Anne Brontë, Nicholas Konstantinovitch Roerich and Henry Havelock Ellis very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of John Ruskin very heroically Baccio della Porta, Charles Bernard Nordhoff, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck, Isadora Duncan, John Barton Wolgamot, Henry Noel Brailsford, William Brown Meloney, Jacques Offenbach, Francesco di Petracco and Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady had very divinely come amongst his very really grand men and women to Pedro Calderón de la Barca very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Feodor Mikhailovitch Dostoievsky had very invigoratingly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Igor Fedorovitch Strawinsky, George Berkeley, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de Goncourt, Cincinnatus Heine Miller, William Wycherley, Francis Bret Harte, John Silas Reed, Richard Crashaw, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot and Ludwig van Beethoven very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically Archibald Joseph Cronin, Harvey Fergusson, Antonio Allegri da Correggio, James Truslow Adams, Arthur Hamilton Gibbs, Thomas Henry Hall Caine, Edward Frederic Benson, Charles Major, Modeste Petrovitch Moussorgsky and Sara Powell Haardt had very ravishingly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Jesus Christ had very pitiably come amongst her very really grand men and women to Nicholas Kalashnikoff, Jane Addams, Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt, John Barry Benefield, Edison Marshall, Joshua Reynolds, Lewis Mumford, Richard Strauss, Marquis James, Ernest Poole, Karl Adolf Gjellerup and William Faulkner very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Edmond Eugène Alexis Rostand very heroically Anita Loos had very fancily come amongst his very really grand men and women to Joaquín Álvarez Quintero, Munro Leaf, Sergei Vasilievitch Rachmaninoff, Mary Annette Beauchamp, Philip Hamilton Gibbs, Marcus Cook Connelly, Richard Llewellyn, John Butler Yeats, Francis Parkman, Leonard Ehrlich, George Washington Cable and Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Carl Van Doren, Guillaume Victor Émile Augier, Finley Peter Dunne, Franz Joseph Haydn, Janet Taylor Caldwell, Melville Davisson Post, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Owen Wister, Diego Rodríguez de Silva and Helen as Mrs. Norden had very duly come amongst her very really grand men and women to John Barton Wolgamot very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Willa Sibert Cather very heroically Henry Louis Mencken had very sombrely come amongst her very really grand men and women to Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Ferenc Molnar, Thomas Sigismund Stribling, Willard Huntington Wright, Daphne du Maurier, James Floyd Stevens, Nicolas Boileau, Anton Dvo˘rák, John Stuart Mill, Margery Sharp, Maria Louise Ramé and Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt very heroically Jesus Christ had very rememberably come amongst her very really grand men and women to Anton Stepanovitch Arensky, Lola Ridge, Edith Anna Oenone Somerville, Frederic Ridgely Torrence, Harold Augustus Sinclair, Joseph Percival Pollard, Giosuè Carducci, Peter Courtney Quennell, John James Audubon, Walter Bagehot, Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen and Katherine Jane Lightbody very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Sara Powell Haardt and Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Berenice Anne Bonner, Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady and John Barton Wolgamot had very simultaneously come amongst their very really grand men and women to Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Sophie Kerr, Alexander Porfiryéevitch Borodin, Walter John de la Mare, Jean de La Fontaine, Alfred Joyce Kilmer, Anthony Van Dyck, Dorothy Rothschild, Frances Newman, Robert Nathan, William Frend De Morgan and Helen Brown Norden very titanically.

In His very truly great manners of Édouard Manet very heroically Jesus Christ had very exorbitantly come amongst his very really grand men and women to Otto Julius Bierbaum, Sean Whelan, Nikolai Andryéevitch Rimsky-Korsakov, Philip Duffield Stong, Paul Vincent Carroll, Ludwig Lewisohn, William Hogarth, Robert Bridges, Henri Matisse, Isaac Newton, Charles Edwin Markham and Raffaello Sanzio very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of Ruth Maxine Martin very heroically Michael Gold, Walter Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, John Keats, Ernest Hemingway, Stefan Zweig, Clyde Brion Davis, Françoise-Auguste-René Rodin, Fannie Hurst, Elmer Reizenstein, Arturo Toscanini and Helen Brown Norden had very staggeringly come amongst her very really grand men and women to Frances Gertrude Fiedler very titanically.

In his very truly great manners of Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very heroically Mencken as bachelor had very frustratedly come amongst her very really grand men and women to René François Nicolas Marie Bazin, Clifford Odets, George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier, William Wilkie Collins, Joseph Joachim Raff, Conrad Potter Aiken, John Henry O’Hara, Frederick O’Brien, Robert Lee Frost, Paul Rosenfeld, Giotto di Bondone and Daniel Foe very titanically.

In their very truly great manners of John Barton Wolgamot very heroically Thomas Babington Macaulay, Carl Sandburg, Maria Konstantinova Bashkirtseff, Victorien Sardou, James Matthew Barrie, Jean Baptiste Racine, Margaret Mitchell, Marjorie Kinnan, Maxwell Beerbohm, Emile Herzog, Louis Hector Berlioz and Anita Loos had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce very titanically.

In her very truly great manners of Henry Louis Mencken very heroically Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady had very unworthily come amongst his very really grand men and women to Mikhail Petrovitch Artzibashev, Harry Hansen, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre, Léonard Sylvain Jules Sandeau, Will Levington Comfort, Amos Bronson Alcox, Mateo Alemán, Tomaso Guidi, Lella Warren, Serafín Álvarez Quintero and John Millington Synge very titanically.

In its very truly great manners of Ludwig van Beethoven very heroically the very distinguishably Second Coming of Jesus Christ had very ironically come amongst his very really grand men and women to Gregorio Martínez Sierra, Franz Liszt, Oliver Hazard Perry La Farge II, Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin, Madison Julius Cawein, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Edgar Evertson Saltus, André Paul Guillaume Gide, John Van Alstyn Weaver, Richard Henry Stoddard, Walter Dumaux Edmonds, Katherine Anne Porter, Ernest Augustus Boyd, Émile Gaboriau, Felix Salten, Marcel Proust, Diego María Rivera and Gertrude Allain Mary McBrady very titanically.